East Vancouver Condos

East Vancouver Condos for Sale

East Vancouver is becoming less diverse.  Young families and upwardly mobile singles are flocking to Vancouver’s East Side.  They love the eclectic culture of the area along with the more affordable housing.  Main Street runs from North in Gastown North to the Fraser River South.  East Vancouver Condos and developments have sprouted up along the…

715-168 Powell Street | Smart | Gastown | Vancouver East |

715-168 Powell Street | Smart | Gastown | Vancouver East |

开放日这个周末周六和周日2-4pm – 麦克打电话确认开放参观,并在604-763-3136了解详情 欢迎回家到智能通过协和太平洋!这种开放式的宽敞( 735sf )明亮现代的角落套房设有华丽的硬木和落地窗,让所有的西南曝光!圆滑的现代厨房线性有不锈钢用具用大量的柜台和存储空间。大书房会很好地工作作为第二间卧室,主卧室是全尺寸的家具足够大。位于大楼安静的光明的一面,并在条件举动。楼下是Cadeaux面包最好的烘焙食品在城里,智能行走一切在该地区很远的地方,包括在其他顶级餐厅像131厨房及酒吧,包豪斯,与爱尔兰希瑟!包括停车!现在电话确认开放的房子或私人的表现!  

That's All! Stay tuned for more.

That's All! Stay tuned for more.