For Real Estate Yaletown is now Officially Yaletown and NOT False Creek North!
Vancouver REBGV MLS Border Changes
If this is confusing, that’s OK! It is very confusing!
Up until a while ago, the area bordered generally by False Creek, Homer Street, the Western sections of Pacific Street, the Granville Bridge, and the Eastern edges of Coopers Landing were referred to as False Creek North. Most people referred to this area as Yaletown and have done so for many years.
The Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver changed the name of False Creek North in & “Yaletown”
Looking for Properties for Sale in Yaletown? Check out Yaletown Listings Here!
Why does this Matter?
Make sure, when you’re on either of the sites above looking for False Creek North listings you’ll now find them under Yaletown.
For those who have Private Client Services Accounts, you may have noticed that you were not receiving any False Creek North listing updates. This is because the searches need to be changed from False Creek North to Yaletown by hand. If this situation is affecting you, please call me at 604-763-3136 or drop me an email.
I’ve embedded this great neighbourhood profile of Yaletown from the Yaletown Business Improvement Association for more info on the area:
Yaletown Neighbourhood Profile Courtesy Mike Stewart Realtor
I strongly encourage comments below!